Monday, June 16, 2008

Dead End, Turn Back

Sigh! It has been too long and this procrastination is no longer funny... But what can I do? As I tried embarking on this challenge once more, it seemed like the world is going against me. Yep, that's right, another problem. My pedometer doesn't seem to be working properly. I need to get a new one or try to make the old one work for me.

Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another Sunrise

wow! It has been almost 3 months since I updated this blog.
With unforeseen stress and outright laziness that I have experienced doing the summer vacation, I have neglected to continue my goal of circling the earth. Now, I'm back! Tomorrow will be a new day. As the clock strikes at midnight, I again will venture on conquering the earth (sort of).

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 15 - Living it Up

This is the view passing the emergency room at the left side going to the side entrance of the hospital building (Medix)

11379 steps!

Whew! All those walking to the hospital paid off... Just kiddin, this shot was taken in the morning.. But the real deal was when I walked for about an hour in our front yard... It was fun. My nephew, Macky, joined me while walking and we got to bond... We have a scheduled jog at the park tomorrow but I' not so sure if it will push through because the I only slept for an hour earlier due to a scheduled brown out... And with no electricity, it was really hot this summer.. Surely, I'll be knocked out as soon as I reach home tomorrow from work...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 14 - Lazy Days

1235 steps!

Hmm, I finished only 1235 steps... Maybe I have becoming lazy lately or really exhausted by the things happenning around me, I don't know.. But look at the bright side, my chucks will last a day longer than if I have used it and walked today.. Hahaha..

Maybe I should look for better music for my ipod to keep me moving...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 13 - Home Bug

My walking buddies - ipod and dumbells.

6129 steps!
Since working out outside seems next to impossible for me.. What I did was walk around the house and even inside my room... It was great, not nearly enough but a good number of steps nonetheless... I walked while reading, while listening to music, and even while holding a pair of dumbells for resistance.. it was great! I want to move! Move! Move! Move!